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Computational Neuroscience

Universal Statistics of Hippocampal Place Fields across Species and Dimensionalities

N. Mainali, R. Azeredo da Silveira, and Y. Burak

Fixational Eye Movements as Active Sensation for High Visual Acuity

T.-A. E. Nghiem, O. Dufour, J. L. Reiniger, W. M. Harmening, and R. Azeredo da Silveira

Random Compressed Coding with Neurons

S. Blanco Malerba, M. Pieropan, Y. Burak, and R. Azeredo da Silveira

Jointly Efficient Encoding and Decoding in Neural Populations

S. B. Malerba, A. Micheli, M. Woodford, and R. Azeredo da Silveira
PLoS Computational Biology 20 (7), e1012240 (2024)

The Geometry of Information Coding in Correlated Neural Populations

R. Azeredo da Silveira and F. Rieke
Annual Review of Neuroscience 44, 403–424 (2021) 

Functional Diversity Improves a Population Neural Code

R. Azeredo da Silveira, F. Lebois, A. Ziskind, and M. J. Berry

Neural Computation 31, 270–311 (2019) 

How Diverse Retinal Functions Arise from Feedback at the First Visual Synapse

A. Drinnenberg, F. Franke, R. K. Morikawa, J. Jüttner, D. Hillier, P. Hantz, A.
Hierlemann, R. Azeredo da Silveira, and B. Roska

Neuron 99, 1–18 (2018) 

Interpretation of Correlated Neural Variability from Models of Feed-Forward and Recurrent Circuits

V. Pernice and R. Azeredo da Silveira

PLoS Computational Biology 14(2), e1005979 (2018) 

Noise Correlations in the Human Brain and their Impact on Pattern Classification

V. R. Bejjanki, R. Azeredo da Silveira, J. D. Cohen, and N. B. Turk-Browne

PLoS Computational Biology 13 (8), e1005674 (2017) 

Structures of Neural Correlation and how they Favour Coding

F. Franke, M. Fiscella, M. Sevelev, B. Roska, A. Hierlemann, and R. Azeredo da Silveira

Neuron 89, 409–422 (2016) 

Self-Assembly and Plasticity of Synaptic Domains through a Reaction-Diffusion Mechanism

C. A. Haselwandter, M. Kardar, A. Triller, and R. Azeredo da Silveira

Physical Review E 92, 032705 (2015) 

Visual Coding with a Population of Directive-Selective Neurons

M. Fiscella, F. Franke, K. Farrow, J. Müller, B. Roska, R. Azeredo da Silveira, and A. Hierlemann
Journal of Neurophysiology 114, 2485–2499 (2015) 

Rods in Daylight Act as Relay Cells for Cone-Driven Horizontal Cell-Mediated Surround Inhibition

T. Szikra, S. Trenholm, A. Drinnenberg, J. Jüttner, Z. Raics, K. Farrow, M. Biel, G.
Awatramani, D. A. Clark, J.-A. Sahel, R. Azeredo da Silveira, and B. Roska
Nature Neuroscience 17, 1728–1735 (2014) 

High-Fidelity Coding with Correlated Neurons

R. Azeredo da Silveira and M. J. Berry II
PLoS Computational Biology 10 (11), e1003970 (2014) 

Dynamical Adaptation in Photoreceptors

D. A. Clark, R. Benichou, M. Meister, and R. Azeredo da Silveira
PLoS Computational Biology 9 (11), e1003289 (2013) 

Alert Response to Motion Onset in the Retina

E. Y. Chen, O. Marre, C. Fisher, G. Schwartz, J. Levy, R. Azeredo da Silveira, and M. J. Berry II
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (1), 120–132 (2013) 

A Simple Method for Estimating the Entropy of Neural Activity

M. J. Berry II, G. Tkačik, J. Dubuis, O. Marre, and R. Azeredo da Silveira
PLoS Computational Biology 9 (11), e1003289 (2013) 

Cell Types, Circuits, Computation

R. Azeredo da Silveira and B. Roska
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 21, 664–671 (2011) 

Formation and Stability of Synaptic Receptor Domains

C. A. Haselwandter, M. Calamai, M. Kardar, A. Triller, and R. Azeredo da Silveira
Physical Review Letters 106, 238104 (2011) 

Approach Sensitivity in the Retina Processed by a Multifunctional Neural Circuit

R. Azeredo da Silveira, T. A. Münch, S. Siegert, T. J. Viney, G. B. Awatramani, and B. Roska

Nature Neuroscience 12 (10), 1308–1316 (2009) 


Ilustration by Sveta Dorosheva

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